Tuesday, July 5, 2011

For Happiness & for getting Things done!

So this is my first post of my new blog. I just read a post at Cosy Bake that just got my bum of the sofa. Although I believe I do what I would like to do in life I still feel like I blame the things I don't do on others. It is time to put a stop on that so my summer resolution is to work towards complete Happiness and for getting things done!

I already have a great blog for my dog Betsy  and many other aspects of my in life is busy I feel that it is time for me to take some further action. I am a frequent visitor to many of my favorite blogs and I admire each and everyone's engagement but I think it is time for me to have a proper blog of my own. One thing that I know is that we all make our choices in life and most of us can magically make time for things we didn't think we had the time for. I hope this blog will help me work towards complete fulfillment. 

Here is my Top 5 List (I don't want to be over ambitious to start with so I think a Top 5 list is sufficient)
1) Spend quality time with my husband and dog!
2) Keep training my Alpha Female Betsy
3) Work on my Hobby untype
4) Try new recipes for cooking and baking
5) Decide if New York City is really the place I want to live....

1 comment:

  1. Ann,

    Thanks for staring your blog that linked to me! I am so honored!!! I show your dog to my son, and now he keep asking me to have a dog!!!! I shall see your new blog that has lots of your lovely bakes. Enjoy!!!!
